Let’s face it: cleaning wheelie bins is no one’s favourite thing to do. It surely is unpleasant, and you are not the only person wondering why you should even bother. But it is an unavoidable and necessary task.
Your wheelie bin is where germs breed as food begins to rot the instant you throw it away. It offers the best conditions for these microorganisms to thrive. The warm and moist environment, not the mention that it’s nutrient-rich, allows maggots to multiply quickly, as well.
Most bins are emptied fortnightly, so it is vital that you wash them regularly, especially in the summer. In sunny Perth, food decomposes even faster because of the climate.
This blog post will give you the options in cleaning your wheelie bin, as well as how to do it properly. Here are the top ways:
- Use a HoseThis method is probably one of the most popular ways to clean a wheelie bin. Simply lay the bin on its side, which will give you access to its insides. Use a hose to rinse the container. You want it to be as powerful as possible. If you have a pressure washer, it is an even better choice. Blast off the sticky bits that you can find, along with all the muck inside the bin.
Make sure that you protect your hands when cleaning, especially if there are big bits to pick out. Wear rubber gloves as you empty the mess and throw them away correctly.
Your task is not finished yet, though. You still have to spray the bin with some detergent or anti-bacterial liquid wash. If you want a more potent substance, use bleach and mix it with equal parts water. A proprietary bleach product will also work or any other disinfectant spray.
You can use a pressure washer to wash the cleaning liquid that you put in the bin; otherwise, you can just dump a small amount of the product into the bottom of the container and use your hose to clean. Allow the hose or power washer to do the job for you for a few minutes before rinsing. When it is time to rinse, make sure to start from the top to the bottom. After which, you can drain the bin and let it dry.
If there is still a lingering smell, you can neutralise it using a small amount of baking soda. Pour a bit of it at the bottom of the bin before rinsing again. You can also leave the baking soda in the container for an hour or so.
- Get Rid of MaggotsWherever there is muck, flies follow. And when there are flies, there will be maggots, especially in warm weather. You need to take certain steps to ensure you eliminate them before they spread. To deal with these pests, here are the things that you need to do:
- Spray the outside of the bin bah with bleach. You can also use any disinfectant spray.
- Do the same around the top of the wheelie bin and inside.
- Let it dry for a while.
- Then, the next step is to pour almost boiling water on the maggots that you see in the bin. Water will instantly kill them.
- Disinfect the bin using the method described above when cleaning with a hose.
- As much as possible, use bleach, rather than a dishwashing liquid. This method will help destroy the remaining eggs, which you cannot see.
Using bleach, however, will discolour your bin, especially if it is brightly-coloured. But it is always better to be hygienic.
Tips on How to Keep the Wheelie Bins Clean
When you use the wheelie bin to throw food away, one of the best things that you can do is to cover all your leftovers. This way, flies cannot lay eggs on them. You can use flu papers and sprays to deter them, as well. However, be careful when using a spray, especially when there is food around. Another good thing that you can do is to install fly screens on your windows and doors.
Here are other tips that are useful in ensuring the wheelie bins remain clean:
- Before you place food packaging inside the bin, clean it first. Yes, it is extra work for you, but it is worth it.
- Check that the packaging does not have any biological substances, such as blood, before you throw it in the bin. If it does, rinse it as stated above.
- If you need to throw meat or any food scraps in the bin, place them all inside a biodegradable bag. Another solution is to wrap them securely using a newspaper. Do this step with every possible item, including cat litter, animal waste, disposable nappies, and chicken bones.
- When you put a bin bag in the bin, tie the top tightly. It will help prevent anything from getting inside the bag and going out as well.
- When the weather is scorching hot, empty the bin that you have indoors more often than you regularly do. For your outdoor wheelie bin, make sure that you store it in a cooler place, such as under the shade of a tree.
- Ensure that the lid of the wheelie bin is fully closed. After placing waste inside it, close it right away. It is a simple step that will help prevent flies from getting in the bin, which, if they do, will allow them to breed faster. Also, it will keep the smell trapped inside the trunk.
- Try to avoid overloading the bin. By placing more than the bin can handle, you may not be able to close it firmly. If your household generates a lot of waste, look for ways on how you can recycle. Composting is also a great choice. If these options are not feasible, you can hire a skip bin instead. It has enough space and you never have to worry about disposal. It’s the best option when you need to do house clean-ups or any renovation project.
Whenever you use the bin, make sure that you wash your hands right after. Even if you just touched the lid to open and throw something in there, wash your hands. It will keep the germs from spreading, so you and your family stay away from any diseases caused by these microorganisms.
Remember the best way to deal with these issues is to reduce your household waste and understand what can and can’t go in your wheelie bin.
Backyard Bins Team
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