Perth’s Recycling and Rubbish Disposal Experts!

The Earth is under constant pressure, particularly when it comes to its resources. We have many products around us that bring us convenience, and in some cases, even happiness. Unfortunately, along with our convenience comes the suffering of our planet.

With just small steps, we can all do our part to help nature and the entire planet. Several of the products we consume and produce can be turned into new materials. It is possible through recycling. Through very little efforts, you can take part in alleviating reliance on landfills. It may be an insignificant step for you, but being consistent can also help minimise the need for non-renewable resources.

Recycling Advice for Everyone

Recycling does not take a huge effort, and it does not take up much of your time, either. However, each contribution can have a big impact on the environment, not just for the coming days but for the years to come.

Recyclable materials though can have certain requirements, particular with their collection and treatment. Following these requirements is essential to properly utilise the resources they have within. Here are some of the things that you need to know before you throw something in the bin:

  • If you have steel and aluminium products, do not throw them away. They are 100% recyclable.
  • You can also recycle glass, which is a material that can be reprocessed without limits.
  • You can always find something to do with paper and cardboard. A quick search online will give you ideas on how you reuse them. Join the campaign as Australia is one of the countries with the highest recycling rates when it comes to paper and cardboard.
  • By simply recycling one plastic bottle, you can power up a computer and use it for 25 minutes.
  • Reusing organics that you have consumed from food and garden can greatly reduce greenhouse gases. At the same time, you help protect the soil as well.
  • Batteries have non-renewable materials in them. However, some of them can be recycled several times.

lady with recycling bin

Electronic waste has always been a major concern, not just for Australia but also for other countries across the world. If they are sent to the landfill, they can be damaging to the environment.

Australians are also among the leading consumers of fluorescent tubes and high-intensity discharge lamps. Every year, there are almost 60 million of them used up, which means it is time to lessen the frequency of using lights.

Recycling Advice for Households

Although recycling should not be time-consuming, many homeowners would agree that it is much easier to throw rather than reuse the rubbish. However, it does not have to be a chore. Also, doing your part to save the planet should already be a strong motivation to get things started.

As a homeowner, you can do some tasks to help with the recycling efforts of the country. Here are some tips to make sure you achieve your goal throughout the process:

  1. Understand the recycling policies in Perth or wherever you live.In Western Australia, there is an ongoing campaign known as Recycle Right. This program encourages residents, along with commercial businesses, to recycle and reduce the waste they produce. The important part of the initiative is for the residents to buy and consume more recycled products.The Regional Resource Recovery Centre (RRRC) is in charge of processing recyclable and non-recyclable waste in the Perth area. With this operation, over 260,000 residents can help prevent 70,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases. The agency works with the government to achieve Zero Waste for Western Australia by 2020.Together with your skip bin hire company, Backyard Bins, it will become much easier to attain the recycling goals of the state and eventually, the country.
  2. Figure out what can and cannot be recycled.Plastics are among the most common materials that people tend to recycle. However, some types are now reusable.Australia uses more than six billion plastic bags every year. Most of these plastics end up in landfills. They take up valuable space instead of homeowners being responsible for recycling. These bags should not be placed in recycling bins that are in the kerb. Machines can get damaged because of the plastics, preventing the recycling process of other materials.As much as possible, you should recycle rigid plastics, including containers and bottles. For many recycling centres, plastic bags are not accepted. Therefore, you cannot place them on the kerbside, as well as in the bins with garden organics.If you have plastic bags, you can give them to supermarkets. Some of these establishments are willing to accept the bags for recycling.
  3. Have a station for recycling.You can divide this station into different sections. This way, other members of the household will know where to put certain items. It may be time-consuming once again, but you should put them in the appropriate container. This way, recycling will become much quicker because you already know what items are in a particular section.
  4. Be smart with how you dispose of waste.After you have the skip bin outside your home, you may want to do a few more things to help make waste management and disposal much easier. Some of these steps include:
    • Flattening cardboard boxes so you can fit more of them into the bin
    • Recycling newspapers, along with envelopes, birthday cards, wrapping paper, phonebooks, and others
    • Recycling toilet paper tubes
    • Putting metallic items, such as empty spray cans, tin foil, empty food cans, into the skip

    If you do not know what you can recycle, the best way to gain answers to your questions is to contact Backyard Bins. Our friendly expert will help you figure out whether or not rubbish should be thrown out or recycled instead.

Advice for Businesses on How to Recycle Properly

Just like homeowners, businesses are also responsible for helping the country become better at waste management. The government advises companies to measure the waste they produce. The next step is to reduce as much waste as possible. Although it may not be achievable at the moment, you can make small efforts to lessen the waste produced by using recyclable materials.

Here are some ways that can help your office recycle waste efficiently:

    1. Make the effort business-wide.Even as a small business, you should ensure that each staff member is aware of the waste disposal policies you have imposed. These policies should be clear and easily understood. The important thing is that every member of the team is committed. Employees should see top-level management taking part in the initiative.
    2. Take a visual inventory of the things thrown away.Some items are completely recyclable and many of your team members may not be aware. You can make a list showing all the things your office uses that can be recycled, including:
      • Steel
      • Aluminium
      • Paper
      • Plastics
      • Cardboard
      • Glass
      • Containers

      When you know the waste volume you produce each day or for a given period, you can design a working collection program. Hiring a skip bin for your commercial establishment is the best way to get rid of the waste without much effort on your part. The company, Backyard Bins, will do all the recycling work for you. Make sure, however, that you know the types of waste that can and cannot go into the bins.

office worker recycling

  1. Motivate recycling even items that are not accepted into the skip bin.Some items are a huge no-no, meaning they should never be placed in the bins. You must check first with the company to ensure that all items are acceptable. Computers, TVs, and cell phones are just some electronic products that you may not be able to throw into the bin. However, it does not mean that you cannot recycle them on your own.You can encourage your staff to take part in the recycling initiative. For instance, if there are electronic goods to dispose of, your employees can contact where they purchased these products. From there, they can enquire about the recycling policies of the business.

Other items that can also be recycled are:

    • Ink cartridgesWhenever you need new ink for your printers, you can bring the empty cartridges to the local office supplies store. Most of the time, they accept these items.
    • Plastic bagsIt is not advisable to put old plastic bags in the skip bins. The machinery used for recycling can become jammed because of these plastic bags. Instead, you can either ask your staff to use tote bags or take the plastic bags to the grocery store for recycling.
    • MedicationIf there is a leftover medication that you no longer need or has expired, the wrong way to dispose of the pills is to flush them down the toilet. Unfortunately, many people do this or throw them away. It may be time-consuming but you may want to take the old medications to the pharmacy or the doctor’s office. They will know how to properly get rid of the waste.

Whether you are a homeowner or a business owner, education is key to knowing what to do when disposing of rubbish. With the help of Backyard Bins, your recycling duties will become much easier.


Backyard Bins Team

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