Tips and Tricks to Effective Garage Sales!

To start a garage sale is a momentous decision. It involves a lot of work, from planning to the day of the auction. But one of the most crucial things that you need to do is to find stuff to sell. It all begins when you clean out your home.

People have a garage sale for different reasons. Some want to get rid of things that they no longer need. It’s also a great way to earn some cash. You may turn to a garage sale if you are downsizing. No matter what your reason may be, the first step to take is to clean your home. And it always involves a ton of work and rubbish.

Here are some tips on how you can get rid of all the clutter and start a successful garage sale:

    1. Clear out everything that you do not need.This step is essential so you cannot skip it. You will need to dig through every part of your house, including your garage, attic, basement, bathrooms, and all the rooms you have. Inspect the cabinets and closets, and even see what’s under the beds.How do you know which ones to pick for a garage sale? A good rule of thumb is to choose that you do not use or wear. If you are fine with letting go of possessions that you rarely use, it’s even better. During the clear out, you may also find things that you have forgotten about their existence. We suggest that you sell them, too –if you are comfortable with the idea.Keep an inventory of all the items you have at hand, as well as those you are willing to let go of. Decluttering will make you feel better, especially when you see the extra space you earned after cleaning. Consider reading this blog post, which gives you tips on how to reduce domestic waste in your household.
    2. Sort and organise before throwing.Starting a garage sale is daunting, which is why it makes sense to sort everything first. Some things are not worth selling, often because they are too old and worn. Others will obviously sell because of their worth, while some may take a while.You may have found old clothes, board games, bowling pins, or tennis rackets. Whatever you have in your inventory should be sorted into three basic categories: Keep, Sell, and Throw Away.Your priority, for now, is to get all things organised. You want to make sure that you get rid of the junk that you do not need. Even if there are a lot, you should be ready to throw them away. If you have unused furniture, but you do not want to sell it, this blog post will give you some tips on how to get rid of it.
    3. Hire a skip bin.Imagine all the clutter you have after clearing out the house. It’s when the whole process becomes stressful for homeowners. How will you get rid of all the junk? The answer is with a skip bin. It’s the most convenient solution that you can find. When you declutter using skip bins, you gain the freedom to move around and focus on being productive.One big problem before garage sales is removing rubbish. Just like other homeowners, you may not know where and how to get rid of the clutter.Skip bins offer ease and comfort. You do not need to transport the rubbish personally and dump it to the disposal site. Hiring a skip bin will take that responsibility from your hands.There are also different sizes of skips that you can choose from. You can save money if you go for the right bin size. It’s better to go bigger than smaller, though. You will find the price list of our bins on this prices page. If you are unsure about which size to go for, just give us a ring, and we will be more than happy to assist you.

declutter your home with a garage sale

  1. Decide how your garage sale will be.Some homeowners are uncomfortable with the idea of having strangers drop by in front of their yard. Instead of advertising online to spread the word, you can team up with some of your neighbours. They may be willing to add more items to your garage sale. Then, you can ask them to invite their friends over and the rest of the neighbourhood to visit and buy right in your yard.Of course, you can also post on social media so other people can join, as well. This step is also vital because it will determine how you will run the sale.
  2. Price the items.Pricing is probably the hardest thing to do. Many garage sales fail because the sellers attach sentimental value to their stuff. As a result, they put a much higher price on the items that no one wants to buy. Avoid looking at them as your possessions. After all, you will soon sell them. You need to be objective. You can ask an outsider, such as a friend, to tell you how much they may be willing to pay for the item.You may also want to search online and see similar items. You can check their second-hand pricing or just take a third or a quarter of the brand new cost. For example, if the sweater you are selling cost you $80, it may not attract buyers when it’s priced at $50. However, if you go for $25, you can be sure that you have got yourself a deal!Once you have the prices down, make sure they are all visible. Use price tags or stickers. You can also write all the items on a small board with their final price.
  3. Set the date.Once you have everything down, you can now choose when the garage sale begins. Often, the best times are on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Pick the day of the week that suits your schedule and the buyers’, as well. If possible, choose to sell in the morning. This way, you can have this little trade running all day until you have gotten rid of many items.Also, temperatures are cooler in the mornings. The earlier you start, the better. People often do not want their afternoons interrupted.If you cannot decide on the date and time, here is a tip that you can use: choose to have the garage sale on the first weekend of the month. Most of those who plan to buy have money saved up after their payday at the end of the month. This means that they will be more eager to spend some cash now than during the middle of the month.Finally, check the weather forecast. If it is cloudy and rainy, skip it. Rainy days tend to keep buyers away, which is certainly something you do not want.
  4. Gather everything that you need.As much as possible, you want to be really frugal when it comes to the supplies you will use. Go to the closest dollar or thrift store where you can purchase pricing and labelling stickers. For even more budget-friendly ideas, stick to a permanent marker and a masking tape. Write the price on the tape and place it on the item.Grab some tables and chairs, too, if you wish. It can be where you cash people out while making sure to keep them comfortable.You may have certain items that are one of a kind. These are things that you know people will want to buy or even offer some cash for them. Have a designated space for these items, where you can show them off. Also, do not forget to protect breakable items. They should be on a stable surface.

Now, you are ready to begin! Good luck on your garage sale and hopefully, you get to sell all your items.

If your garage sale still leaves you with a fair few larger items, this is where a skip bin may be best. Backyard Bins can help you get rid of the final bit of clutter, talk to us today.


Backyard Bins Team

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